Latest News
Freedelity, the eID base loyalty solution has been launched.
13/07/2010 By sbuysse
Successfull launch of PixChallenge !
31/03/2009 By sbuysse
New version of PhotOsez online !
25/03/2009 By sbuysse
Successfull launch of PhotOsez !
01/08/2008 By sbuysse
Launch of a new version of our portal informaticien.be!
24/07/2008 By sbuysse
Welcome to Akretio
Name: Akretio SPRL
Date of creation: April 2001
Address: Avenue de la tour du guet, 13. 1400 Nivelles. Belgium.
Manager: Sébastien Buysse
VAT: BE0474636143

Bank: Fortis, Nivelles
Bank Account: 271-0049277-33
IBAN: BE79 2710 0492 7733

Phone: +32 67 70 01 02 (We do NOT provide support by phone, please contact us via email only!)
Fax: +32 70 424 070
Contact info@akretio.be

Akretio.be - © 2002-2024 Akretio SPRL - Powered by Kelare
The Akretio Network: Informaticien.be  -   KelCommerce.be  -   PhotOsez.com